Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A new day dawns

The sun peeks out over the horizon and spreads its warm arms out to embrace this beautiful place. A new day dawns.


Xana said...

Bonitas fotos! Hei-de voltar para conhecer esta terra que desconhecia em absoluto. :)

xana (Figueira da Foz)

Anonymous said...

Very bad blog manners, Tofo Beach. Shame, shame...

How do you feel when YOU leave a comment on a blog and the blog owner doesn't acknowledge it? Like you've wasted your time, right? And why would you ever leave a comment on that blog again, right? Right???

I mean, if you had dozens of comments, yeah, it'd be very time consuming to acknowledge each one of them but, c'mon buddy, you just started and you only have like ONE comment? And you can't find 20 seconds of your very valuable time to say "hey, thanks a lot for visiting". I mean, really, c'mon.

Tofo Beach said...

Hey Sammy - sorry I didn't mean to offend but you could have educated me nicely. Thanks for visiting my site.

Tofo Beach said...

Hey xana - have you been to Mozambique? I translated your comment and it indicates you may have been there. Thanks for the nice comment about my photo.

Xana said...

My mother and my grandmother had been born and lived in Moçambique but I was never there.

Do you live there? You will have then to learn Portuguese! ;)

Tofo Beach said...

Hi xana - yes i live in Tofo we are building some chalets - our place is called Marlyn Azul. Mozambique is a stunning place.

Where did your mother and grandmother live?

I am in the process of learning portugese but I must say it is a difficult language - I know a lot of words but it's the construction of sentences that I am finding so different from English.

Jess said...

To sammy.

your a prick!! just because you do not have a life it does not mean that the owner of this blog has to thank each and every person individually!! maybe they have a life unlike your own to come and make rude comments on peoples work! you need to watch your own manners because you have been exceptionally rude to a person who has done an awsome job! hey??? HEY!!!!

even so! maybe they did not create this site for popularity and comments. maybe even more so for our enjoyment and curiosity!! so lay off!!! ok! OK!!!!

and stop repeating yourself!!! you got that?? YOU GOT THAT????

it does not make me feel as if i have wasted my time leaving my comments here.. For as long as I see new pictures coming in everyday, i know that the owner of this blog has appreciated each and every comment! so maybe you should have seen that they were putting new pictures on daily (with that being the response to all our positive comments UNLIKE YOUR OWN!)

anyway.. back to important things.. what a brilliant site! so well laid out!!! nice work... you are a true photographer.. these pictures bring a smile to my face :)

your photo's are gorgeous

Jazzabell said...

yeah jess i agree!!!

my mom would never mean to offend anyone!! so just appreciate her work!!! she works hard on this blog


Tofo Beach said...

Hey thanks guys I appreciate every visitor - and really enjoy my photography - like my daughter Jazzabell says.

I must say I found it a bit hard to comment on people saying my photo was good.

Haven't posted for a few days as we were travelling back to Tofo from SA.

Have fun taking photo's everyone - it is really cool to see other peoples towns :)

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